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Vaccines and Autism

Vaccines and Autism

This interview with bio-chemist Boyd Haley, shows definitive evidence of the part played by mercury in Autism (minute 27+) and explains how he was driven to develop his ground-breaking chelator OSR (re-named to IRMINIX) for removing mercury accumulation in the brain.

Other Articles 

You will NEVER regret researching for the sake of your child: 
The NVICP has now paid close to 4 BILLION to the families of permanently vaccine-injured children & deceased children. The government pays a maximum of $250,000 for each child who is killed by vaccines. That's what they believe is the value of your child's life. As of 2017, 1 in 36 people have now been diagnosed with Autism. Several vaccines, including the flu vaccine which is aggressively promoted & mandated, contains enough thimerosal to cause neurological damage, as proven in scientific studies. In vaccines where thimerosal is not present, aluminum & other toxic excipients, very often causes irreparable harm, including paralysis & a myriad of autoimmune disorders. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program payouts are here --

Links to Scientific Studies:

Links to Documentary Films:

Links to Doctors Speaking of Vaccine Dangers: 

Links to All Vaccine Ingredients:

Links to Vaccine Inserts:

How to REPORT Vaccine Injuries:

Research All Vaccine Excipients 

Hold Doctors Accountable:

International Gardasil Injuries:

Signing a Form "Under Duress":

The Vitamin K Injection: 

Protect Your Families:


Find the RIGHT Doctor & Report Bullying:
(Lists of doctor databases in STEP 4)

Detailed Vaccine Information:
Excipients: (amounts per dose) 

Excipient Summary for Each Vaccine: 

Excipients that May Cause Allergic Reactions: 

Links to full-length documentaries ....

1. Vaccines Revealed - (9 part docu-series) Dozens of luminaries and experts presenting the absolute best and most up to date advice and material for parents who really want to know what is going on behind the scenes.

2. Deadly Immunity - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. investigates the government cover-up of a mercury/autism scandal:

3. Autism: Made In The USA - In this award-winning documentary film Gary Null explores the causes and solutions to the epidemic of autism in our children. In this film you will see children who have made an extraordinary recovery as they reconnect with the world around them:

4. Bought - We've ended up with an entire society getting sicker and sicker while the industrial powers get richer and richer:

5. Trace Amounts - This film presents interviews with specialists in the field that discuss just how very how dangerous mercury is:

6. Shots In The Dark - Despite the serious and numerous side effects of vaccines, pharmaceutical companies, the medical profession and government authorities continue to bury their heads in the sand, refusing to see a serious problem:

7. The Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of Vaccines - In the developed world we have the sickest generations of children – with many new chronic disorders and the highest levels of vaccinations and vaccines ever. This is not coincidence. Vaccines affect the normal functioning of your and your child’s immune system and cause chronic disorders in a significant proportion of the population:

8. The Greater Good - This documentary tells the rarely heard stories of three families adversely impacted by vaccination:

9. Vaccine Nation - In this documentary film, award-winning investigative film director Dr. Gary Null challenges the basic health claims by government health agencies and pharmaceutical firms that vaccines are perfectly safe. This is one of the most critical questions facing today's children and future generations to come:

10. Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe - Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

11. Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Is It Safe? - Young Women In Ireland Speak Of Their Debilitating Conditions Due To The Gardasil Vaccine:

12. DPT: Vaccine Roulette - Documentary On The DPT vaccination produced in 1982:

13. Hear The Silence - Drama based on the true story about the MMR vaccine and its links to autism:

14. Direct Order - An award-winning documentary that tells the story of members of the military who were ordered against their will to take the controversial Anthrax vaccine.

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